Walkathon to highlight pedestrian safety

From left: PCN events co-ordinator Stefanie Wilson, Principal Yvette Owens and PCN secretary Jenny Grindall-Kruf at the school

Our Lady of the Rosary Shelly Beach will host a walkathon on Friday, June 2, at 10.45am to raise awareness of pedestrian safety and road safety at the school and in the community.

Special guest on the day will be Michelle McLaughlin, CEO of the Little Blue Dinosaur Foundation which was created following the death of her son Tom at the age of four in a road accident on the Central Coast.

The campaigns – Hold my Hand and It’s Holiday Time, slow down kids around – were created to raise awareness and help save other children’s lives.

McLaughlin will speak with the children on road safety and present the school with the signs it has purchased to be displayed at the school.

“We are hoping to hold our ceremony with the first group of walkers where the sign will be placed on the school fence and our walkers will be off on their road safety walkathon, Parents Community Network (PCN) events co-ordinator Stefane Wilson said.

Our Lady of The Rosary has purchased a large banner to be erected at holiday time, when tourists and visitors flock to The Entrance, with the school located at a major roundabout.

Our Lady of the Rosary PCN