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Flood study for Somersby and Kariong

Central Coast Council has commenced its Somersby and Kariong Catchments Overland Flood Study and is calling on residents to participate in an online survey to help provide a better understanding…

Soccer5s support Football Academy Program

Gosford City Football Club (FC) has received support from the Soccer5s following the establishment of the largest not-for-profit Football Academy program on the Central Coast. Soccer5s has provided in-kind support…

Outdated laws need to change

FORUM: Just because something is law doesn’t mean it’s right or that we shouldn’t stand up against it. For example, if no-one ever stood up and said “this isn’t right”,…

Return to full-time work for Stephen

After seven years on a disability pension with NDIS supports, Central Coast resident Stephen Nisbet has transitioned to open employment with Aruma. While current statistics estimate that 200 Australians join…

Power station extension a slap in the face

FORUM: The faceless, unknown and dictatorial Council of Australian Governments COAG, including industry operators and the Australian Energy Market Operator AEMO, have given the coastal communities of the Central Coast…

Cash boost for Avoca Beach SLSC

Avoca Beach SLSC has received $4,905 to buy eight new training manikins and three remote medical first aid kits through the Federal Government’s Volunteer Grants. Club President Stuart Harvey said…