
Bambara becoming a dumping ground

Gosford Council have been using the Bambara area at Kariong as a dumping ground. Many of the Council staff I’ve dealt with over the years have been incredibly helpful and…

Government announcements questioned

note with interest that your headline (Coast Community News) of June 11, 2014 advising that Gosford will be the home to a “Centre of Excellence” when a new purpose-built Commonwealth Agency…

Council fails to stop illegal dumping

I have written to Gosford Council general manager Paul Anderson regarding Central Mangrove garbage tip (Bingo Mountain). I invite everyone to request that: council stop all garbage being dumped on…

Do we really need a local ABC?

With regard to the “ABC Cuts” lead story (May 14), I wonder if Lucy Wicks and her cohort of Liberal axe wielders were to cut the National Broadcaster to the absolute bone…

Glenworth Valley are doing a deal with Rocla

  Glenworth Valley Outdoor Adventures are considering giving some of the 3,000 acres they own to New Zealand Mining Company. Rocla Materials, as an ecological offset in exchange for Rocla providing Glenworth…