
Catch-up tutoring garners strong results

An online tutoring pilot program developed by children’s education charity, The Smith Family, has achieved strong results for school students struggling with literacy and numeracy. The Catch-Up Learning program offered…

HSPA extends audition deadline

Due to COVID-19 restrictions primary and high school audition applications for the Hunter School of the Performing Arts (HSPA), attended by many Central Coast students, have been extended until Sunday,…

Gosford TAFE gets a lift

Gosford TAFE is set to receive $175,499 as part of a $13.5M NSW Government investment in replacing lifts at TAFE campuses around the state. Minister for Skills and Tertiary Education,…

HSC exams deferred one week

As the region’s Year 12 students anxiously await news on when face to face learning will resume at Central Coast schools, news of changes to the HSC timetable has been…

CCPC launch Aboriginal scholarship program

Coast & Country Primary Care (CCPC), based at Erina, has launched its inaugural Aboriginal Scholarship Program, which aims to improve diversity of the local community services workforce. CCPC Board Chair,…

Sun shines down on ARAFMI open day

Central Coast ARAFMI hosted an open day recently, inviting the local community to join the official opening of new respite accommodation, and to acknowledge 45 years of promoting and supporting…

UoN directs students to study from home

Students across all Newcastle University campuses, including the Ourimbah campus, will learn from home until July 30. All classes scheduled for face-to-face learning will be converted to study-from-home mode in…