Rural Fire Service

A giant tinderbox on our doorstep

The Camp Ourimbah group is urging residents to report Ourimbah State Forest to the Rural Fire Service as a potential fire hazard, with hot dry conditions forecast throughout Summer. “In…

Two car fires in two days

Returning to base after a Buttonderry hazard reduction on Saturday afternoon, July 15, both Wallarah and Wyee Rural Fire Brigades were diverted to a car fire after an accident. On…

Injured bushwalker rescued

An injured bushwalker was rescued at Somersby on Saturday afternoon, July 8. Rural Fire Service crews from Kariong and Somersby worked alongside the Kariong Fire and Rescue team to rescue…

Suspicious fire at Ourimbah

Police are appealing for public assistance following a suspicious bushfire at Ourimbah. About 6.30am on Sunday, December 4 emergency services responded to reports of fire in an area of bushland…