Niagara Park

Give walking basketball a go

Coasties of all ages, genders and abilities who love basketball, but prefer to steer clear of running or jumping, are encouraged to give walking basketball a go with Central Coast…

Central Coast Waves go under

The Central Coast Waves Basketball Association (CCWBA) has shut the doors to its courts at Niagara Park Stadium and suspended all trading, leaving hundreds of domestic and representative players blindsided….

Have your say on Niagara Park Stadium upgrade

Plans for accessibility upgrades at Niagara Park Stadium are underway, with Central Coast Council calling for community input. The planned upgrades will include formalising the carpark, a new driveway and…

Station lift upgrades completed

The installation of lifts and major accessibility upgrades at Niagara Park and Ourimbah railway stations has been completed at a cost of $23M. Parliamentary Secretary for the Central Coast and…