aged care

Nursing graduates balance work and study

Three Central Coast aged care workers have managed to balance studying, work and home to attain a Bachelor off Nursing degree while working for Central Coast Community Care Association (CCCCA)….

Free forums on accessing aged care services

The aged care and disability support services provider, integratedliving Australia, is hosting free virtual forums in February and March to inform Central Coast residents on how to access aged care…

Wicks hits back over aged care

Member for Robertson Lucy Wicks has hit back at claims by Central Coast based Senator Deborah O’Neill that the Federal Government has left the country’s aged care community with a…

Disconnect on carers salaries

When essential services stayed open at the onset of COVID-19, two of those services were the early childhood centres and aged care providers. Federal and state leaders commended and praised…

Staff look over new aged care wing

Staff at a Umina aged care facility have had a look over a new wing that is close to completed. Hostel team leader Ms Judy Moroney and clinical administrative assistant…

Clowns entertain aged care residents

Two staff members at a Woy Woy care facility have dressed as clowns to entertain the residents, embracing the notion that laughter is the best medicine. Ms Merrilyn Tanswell, aka…