
Permaculture workshops at ecovillage

Narara Ecovillage is welcoming internationally acclaimed permaculture researcher Ms Robin Clayfield for a weekend of workshops aimed at building a socially and economically resilient community. The event on Saturday, July…

CHOOSH to stand-alone

Chertsey Primary School’s before and after school care, CHOOSH, will become a stand-alone, non-profi t organisation at the school as of the end of 2015. CHOOSH will become a separate…

ET wins national innovation award

ET Australia Secondary College (ETASC), based in the Gosford CBD, has won a national innovation award. The CoAct National Awards winners were announced at a national conference at Old Parliament…

$25,000 grant for NAISDA

Member for Terrigal, Mr Adam Crouch MP and NSW minister for Aboriginal Affairs, Ms Leslie Williams have announced a $25,000 grant for the National Aboriginal and Islander Skills Development Association…

New plays to be showcased

The Youth Arts Warehouse Play Write program has finished another semester of masterclasses. now in its sixth year with many returnees who’ve had their theatrical talents nurtured through their teens….

Students dance as pirates

On Thursday, June 18 the Point Clare year six dance group performed at Laycock Street Theatre as part of the Central Coast Dance Festival. The dance group has been rehearsing…

School dance group performed

Chertsey Primary School dance group performed at Laycock Street Theatre in the Central Coast Dance Festival on Tuesday, June 16. School principal, Ms Toni Skinner said: “The behaviour and enthusiasm…

Students celebrate NAIDOC Week

On Friday, June 19 Aboriginal students from Point Clare Public School and their friends attended Henry Kendall High School to celebrate NAIDOC Week and build cultural awareness. Students were presented…

Year one students visit Zoo

Year one students from Green Point Christian College took a trip to the Taronga Zoo on Friday June 5. Doubtful weather conditions on the morning made way for a beautiful…

Ukulele course completed

Students in 4J at Point Clare Public School have just finished an eight week ukulele course. The children worked hard throughout the course and were able to learn a colonial…