mary mac's place

Mary Mac’s Place needs your help

Mary Mac’s Place in Woy Woy is in need of donations of everyday food and personal care staples – including tinned meats and fish, small and family-sized shampoos, conditioners and…

Buy a ticket to help Mary Mac’s

The Deepwater Older Women’s Network (OWN) is encouraging Coasties to buy some tickets in its annual Christmas raffle to raise money for Mary Mac’s Place at Woy Woy. Members have…

Residents give generously to the homeless

The Country Women’s Association Umina Beach branch delivered a package of sleeping bags and swags to Mary Mac’s Place to support those in need. The branch raised money via President…

Callum driven to help those in need

A Woy Woy student has completed a donation drive to help support those in need, collecting groceries and supplies to deliver to Mary Mac’s Place. Callum Conroy, aged 11, said…

Mary Mac needs more supplies

In recognition of Homelessness Week which begins on Sunday, August 1, Woy Woy-based community organisation, Mary Mac’s Place, is putting the call out for more support during the lockdown. The…

Mary Mac’s calls for more volunteers

In celebration of National Volunteers Week, Mary Mac’s Place at Woy Woy is putting out the call for volunteers to help provide support and companionship to vulnerable members of the…