Marine Rescue Central Coast

Big weekend for Marine Rescue

Marine Rescue Central Coast was quick to respond when two Niagara Park teenagers were stranded on Brisbane Water east of the Rip Bridge on Saturday afternoon, January 13, after their…

Busy day for Marine Rescue

Marine Rescue Central Coast was quick to respond when a converted Sydney ferry issued a mayday call after running aground and starting to list several kilometres south of Brooklyn on…

Keeping units rescue-ready

More than 100 Marine Rescue NSW volunteers from all eight units across the Hunter/Central Coast region took part in a major regional search and rescue exercise hosted by the Lake…

Marine Rescue needs volunteers

Nearly 200 boat-related incidents have been attended to by Central Coast Marine Rescue in the past six months. Unit Commander Ian Morrow said the incidents had included sinking vessels, engine…

Accolades for Marine Rescue volunteers

Two members of Central Coast Marine Rescue have been honoured at the Central Coast National Volunteer Week ceremony. Unit Commander, Ian Morrow, was presented with the Volunteer Manager 2023 award,…

Marine Rescue needs more volunteers

More than 670 boat related incidents have been attended to by Central Coast Marine Rescue in the 2022 calendar year and the service is in need of more volunteers. Unit…

Gosford Wharf situation ‘bizarre’

There is no solution in sight for the ongoing problem of long-term moorings taking up casual berths at Gosford marina, with one boat reported to have been continuously docked at…

Medivac on Brisbane Water

Marine Rescue Central Coast (MRCC) came to the aid of a crew in jeopardy last Saturday (June 27) after the master of a runabout lost consciousness. MRCC Rescue Vessel CC21…