letters to the editor

Nuclear power too risky

I feel the need to respond to your correspondent (Time to re-appraise nuclear power, CCN382). The correspondent claims renewable sources of energy (solar and wind) “do not constitute a full…

Teaching kids about politics

Recently I watched a program on TV about Asian high school students being taught about politics. Each student was asked to take on the role of being a politician and…

Nuclear power not feasible

Charles Hemmings (CCN332) ignores the problem with nuclear power more fundamental than disposal of waste. It remains a fact that Australia has no nuclear power station, not one. Furthermore, there…

Playspaces need shade cloth

Plaudits to the Council for its plans to upgrade 10 playspaces around the municipality. However it’s vital that children are protected from the sun while spending time in these fun…

Landlords squeezing coffee shops out

FORUM : What is going on? I have been driving 65kms over broken and in some instances non-existent Council roads to go shopping at the Imperial Centre in Gosford for…

Super battery not so super

Forum: So now this expensive battery/stabiliser is a Waratah battery not a Munmorah one (CCN 380)? The name does not change the reality anyway. We all want reliable electricity at…

Nuclear power is a possibility

Forum: Your front page coverage of (the super battery) project at the site of the old Munmorah coal fired power station made me smile (CCN380). By 2035 NSW will lose…

How about a community forum?

So the “Major parties outline plans to take the region into the future” (CCN issue 380). I haven’t seen any talk of community forums for voters to attend to hear,…

Make your vote count

Here we are again with an optional-preferential NSW election, in contrast to last year’s Federal election which employed its exhaustive preferential system. It saddens me, when scrutineering, to see that…

We’re going to the dogs

It was a good letter from Anne Aldcroft (CCN380) regarding dog owners not doing their duty. The only way to educate irresponsible people is to hit them in the pocket…

On the way to a cashless society

I write regarding the letter “Disgusted by Bank Closures” (CCN379). Two years ago Bankwest (owned by CBA) closed their Tuggerah branch. Recently they closed their remaining Central Coast branch at…