Let down by council and other levels of government

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I wish the people of the Central Coast region would stop referencing Central Coast Council in all forms, due to the fact that there are no councillors and only an Administrator (appointed by a state government) running the non-entity Council.

He’s telling the Central Coast people what he’s doing instead of asking the people if that’s what they want.

And now (he) is ordering his staff to do underhanded things (such as) changing parking signs without giving notification (Church St, Wyong is one example).

The other problem is with mobile speed cameras.

There has been a mobile speed camera on Lakedge Ave, Berkeley Vale, every other day and this has been going on for past nine months without any real reason why it’s there so often.

Both these problems are due to all levels of government in this state trying to recoup money that was lost due to their lack of understanding (in enforcing) the lockdowns due to COVID-19.

They shouldn’t keep blaming normal everyday people for a serious problem that they’ve perpetuated.

They should hang their collective heads in shame and own up to the problems they’ve created in this once-great country.

Email, Apr 5
Phillip Lean, Berkeley Vale