Bowling club a tool in fight against loneliness
Every lost club, every closed hall, every bulldozed gathering space is another crack in our social infrastructure.
Every lost club, every closed hall, every bulldozed gathering space is another crack in our social infrastructure.
Council comes to the rescue – at least in the short term – of the newly incorporated Gosford Community Bowling Club.
For thirty years Joyce Corbett has played bowls at Gosford. Now the future is glum.
Gosford City Bowling Club members were told they had a five-year lease but it looks like Central Coast Leagues Club is forcing them into a no win situation by cutting…
Gosford Bowling Club has been given its marching orders by Central Coast Leagues Club.
Bowlers say a growing city will need its community spaces such as the bowling club.
Gosford Bowling Club might have another five years of action if the Leagues Club takes up an offer from Central Coast Council for a final lease over the land. Central…
I attended the Central Coast Council meeting on May 8 in relation to rezoning the Council land on which the old Gosford City Bowling Club is built. The club was…
Vision impaired bowlers and other community groups who regularly use the facilities at Gosford Bowling Club will be severely disadvantaged if Central Coast Council reclassifies the site it sits on…
Member for Gosford, Liesl Tesch has called on Central Coast Council to revisit plans to rezone the land on which Gosford Bowling Club sits, beside Central Coast Stadium. Council announced…
With submissions now having closed on Central Coast Council’s proposed Tranche 3 asset sales, Member for Gosford Liesl Tesch has joined the fight to have Gosford City Bowling Club (GCBC)…