
Interesting times ahead

I see that Geoff Mitchell is clearly bemoaning the electoral loss by the negative, dysfunctional and anti-progressive mob that steered the Central Coast into administration (CCN Forum 467). And so…

Poor decision regarding LPP

Already the new Council is showing its colours, with the decision to increase the number of development application objections required to trigger a referral to the Local Planning Panel. The…

Council’s latest DA briefs

Forward planning for air show An application has been lodged with Central Coast Council for Paul Bennet Airshows to continue staging the annual air show at Central Coast Airport at…

Council needs to be accountable

Central Coast Council Administrator Rik Hart, CEO David Farmer and senior staff do not provide the community with public services that are either of acceptable standards or that meet the…

Sale of land for $1 a joke

I refer to the article in the Coast Community News of March 9 about affordable rental housing at The Entrance. The Council has had to borrow large sums of money…

The Weekly News podcast 5@5

Coast Newspaper’s Weekly News 5@5 for the first week of March 2023. Now in a new podcast format.  In the bulletin, this week: Local skier wins world championship medalsCouncil’s Administrator…

The Weekly News 5@5

 Central Coast Newspaper’s Weekly News 5@5 for the second week of October 2022. A selection of lead stories direct from the newsroom of Central Coast NEwspapers in Gosford. In the bulletin…

The clean-up begins

Once more the Central Coast is in clean-up mode, following a powerful east coast low which drenched the region last week. As rainfall eased this week, Central Coast Council swung…

Seawall folly

Forum Re: Council proceeds with seawall options for Wamberal Whoever fought against nature & won. Work with nature or lose. Those who choose to build on the sand will not…

The Weekly News 5@5

CNN’s Weekly News 5@5, June 10, 2022. The week’s lead stories from across the Central Coast: Council’s pothole battleThe PEP11 oil and gas permit cancellation to be challengedA new artificial…

New LEP soon to be implemented

The consolidated Central Coast Local Environmental Plan (CCLEP) will soon be implemented, providing a consistent planning framework for the region and pathway towards a smoother process for development applications and…

Weekly News 5@5

 Central Coast Newspapers’ Weekly News 5@5, April 29, 2022. The week’s lead stories from across the region in a short audio/video format. This week: ANZAC day services are more popular…