Excitement over rare visitor to the Coast

The rare Red-backed Kingfisher has been sighted at Mount Penang Gardens

Birdwatchers and photographers have been flocking to Mount Penang Gardens to view an extremely rare visitor to the Central Coast.

The bird in question is a Red-backed Kingfisher, normally seen in the dry inland of Australia.

There has been only one previous sighting on the Central Coast and that was at Somersby in 1995.

This bird was first photographed on a Central Coast Bird Group outing on April 27 but there are suggestions it has been there for much longer.

“The kingfisher seems to perfectly happy where it is,” Central Coast Bird Group spokesperson Allan Benson said,

“It has been observed feeding on insects and lizards so is likely to be there for the long term,

“The kingfisher has attracted visitors from Sydney and Newcastle as well as generating a lot of excitement within the local birding community.”

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