Bouddi Farm at Killcare Heights has been listed on the NSW State Heritage Register and will continue to be celebrated for its architectural legacy.
Built in 1966, the house was designed by architect Guilford Bell as a creative retreat for celebrated artist Sir Russell Drysdale, who lived there until his passing in 1981.
The sprawling residence, artist studio and private garden is set on 3.5 hectares adjacent to Bouddi National Park.
Its unique modernist design features make the property truly one-of-a-kind, as it maximises panoramic bushland views and natural light.
The home incorporates north facing windows, thermal massing and cross ventilation to allow for cooling without the need for air-conditioning.
The current owners, who have lovingly retained the architectural masterpiece, nominated Bouddi Farm for State Heritage Register listing.
The listing will celebrate their conservation efforts, recognise Bouddi Farm’s contribution to the architectural canon of NSW, and ensure the long-term preservation of its legacy for future generations.
Owner, Jennifer Castaldi said she had nominated the property as a unique example of an exceptional collaboration between two esteemed talents, architect Guilford Bell and artist Russell Drysdale.
“Both drew great inspiration from the Brisbane Water bushland site to devise a timeless design,” she said.
Minister for Central Coast David Harris said the listing was an exciting day for the Central Coast.
“This fabulous mid-20th century residence and artist’s studio, set in a spectacular bushland surroundings, is a tribute to modernist architecture in NSW,” he said.
“This listing recognises the creative genius of both the architect and the artist-owner and secures its legacy as an icon of sustainable housing in NSW.
“Listing places of cultural significance on the State Heritage Register gives our most meaningful places, such as Bouddi Farm, the formal and legal recognition they need to ensure they can continue to be enjoyed by future generations.”
Chair of Heritage Council NSW Frank said Bouddi Farm seamlessly blends influences to create a uniquely Australian modernist design aesthetic which responds to our climate.
“The Heritage Council of NSW is committed to safeguarding Bouddi Farm’s unique heritage, through recognising and assisting the continuation of the excellent custodianship of its owners,” he said.