More credence to scientific records

A mocked up image of a nuclear power plant. Image: The Conversation

Forum –

Godfrey Franz’s claims re climate change predictions of disasters past, present and future appear rather exaggerated and baseless (CCN312).

I cannot recall any of the extreme predictions he mentions.

I do agree that our governments must “prioritise reliable low-emission energy”.

The nuclear path needs be trod with caution; far better to proceed towards renewable energy sources with appropriate “base load” storage.

Unlike coal fired generators, nuclear power reactors cannot be quickly and easily dismantled at the end of their design life.

Mr Franz’s last paragraph indicates a clear lack of understanding on the problem of observing rising sea levels.

The observational method he described is scientifically implausible, far better to check the tidal records for Fort Dennison (Sydney Harbour) over the last 100 years or so.

I would place more credence on these scientifically recorded measurements than on an individual’s casual observations of water levels in Brisbane Water.

Email, Oct 4
Col Hodgson, Mount Elliot