Bridge fence money could be better spent

A look at what the St Hubert's Island Bridge will look like after works have concluded

The almost bankrupt Central Coast Council intends to expend the enormous sum of over $900,000 on an unwanted, horrible fence to prevent children jumping into the water from the St Huberts Island bridge during the summer months.

Young people jumping from the bridge may be annoying to some, but as far as I have been able to ascertain no one has ever been injured and I would very much prefer to see the young out in the sun and the water rather than engaging in unsavoury pursuits.

Lucy Wicks MP has asked the Council to reconsider the proposed design of the fence, but I fail to see how a bridge fence could be successfully designed so as to prevent the people diving from the bridge and also be aesthetically acceptable.

Given the Council’s current disastrous financial situation I am sure this money would be very much better spent on urgent road repairs or other significant problems which exist throughout the area.

To think that a council which is reportedly at least $85,000,000 in debt has $900,000 to fritter away on an unwanted, unnecessary, ugly project does not make sense and perhaps indicates the type of thinking that caused the council’s demise.

Email, Nov 26
Vic Jefferies, St Huberts Island