Bouddi Foundation of the Arts announces award winners

The recipients with John Bell

Almost 30 creative young people on the Central Coast received grant certificates, which will help them advance their studies and develop their craft, at the Bouddi Foundation for the Arts Awards event at Wagstaffe Hall on November 15.

Foundation founder and acclaimed actor, John Bell, acknowledged each of the artists and presented them with their certificates, interviewing a number of them on how they had managed the challenges of 2020, both for themselves and their careers.

The 27 talented young people, from all parts of the region, are all emerging singer/songwriters, dancers, instrumentalists, theatre directors/producers or visual artists working in photography, film making, painting, art curatorship or creative writing.

This year marks the 10th year of the Foundation’s Awards program.

“Despite the uncertainties of the COVID impact on the economy in general and on artistic endeavours in particular, it has been a bumper year, a spokesperson said.

“(There have been) more generous donations, more ‘named awards’ to present, and the largest amount in grants to award in (the Foundation’s) 10-year history.

“John Bell’s vision has always been to give young artists on the Central Coast a ‘leg up’ in growing their artistic practice into a full-blown profession.”

Young artists, aged 15-25, who have a connection to the Coast should look out for the invitation to apply for 2021 grants, which will be announced in March 2021 on the Foundation’s website:

Media release, Nov 26
Bouddi Foundation for the Arts