Viva la anti-plastics revolution

[FORUM] After viewing the ABC Four Corners episode “Plastic Wars” (August 10) with mounting anger and embarrassment, I hereby announce I am now a plastics recycling apostate.

For too long I have worshipped at the false feet of the hoax recycling industry. For too long I have obeyed the sham iconography of that little “chasing arrow” on the bottom of the plastic container.

For too long I have fortnightly gone to the church of the kerbside gutter with my plastic tithe in my wheeled offertory. Rest assured my heresy only goes so far.

I will continue to recycle my glass, cans and paper – right up until the day that they too are revealed as trickster gods. I would encourage any other heretics to ask Central Coast Council, Cleanaway, and about what pressure they can put on other levels of government.

It is they who carry the burden of being the terminus of the waste stream. I would also encourage any other heretics to nail a copy of their version of Martin Luther’s “95 Theses” to the door of the Australian Food and Grocery Council.

In this instance, perhaps a list of 95 of their products with ludicrous amounts of plastic packaging, along with some alternatives.

Viva la revolution!

Aug 15 B. Allen, Terrigal