[Forum]Barbara Gorman’s letter, “Democracy is under threat” (Chronicle June 9) suggests that we should revert to the old way of planning on the Central Coast, not democratically, but by minority pressure groups, ideologically driven Council decisions reflecting individual or Party affiliations, review after review of proposed developments due to Councillors not being able to either compromise or an inability to grasp the nettle and run with expert advice.
Ms Gorman’s position is demonstrated by her focus on animal habitat.
Transport for NSW did no more damage to the environment at Kangy Angy than the bulldozing of forest and grassland for housing all over the Central Coast, with barely a murmur of dissent from our tree hugging community.
Both scenarios demonstrate that you can’t make an omelette without breaking a few eggs.
Sensible development proposals will work their way through the Planning Panel and bypass all the hysteria and dumb politicking.
Some few will be forever outraged that they can’t get their own way but it’s not the end of democracy.
Churchill said democracy was not perfect but some sensible tweaking may get us closer.
Email, Jun 12
Geoff Robertson, The Entrance