Hope in good journalism and common sense

[Forum]I read with great hope and pride your front page article in Coast Community News edition 246, what a great read, “black lives matter movement supported on the Central Coast”.

Your honest, common sense, truthful, compassionate reporting is second to none.

Absent hype or exaggerated emotional details.

The common-sense quotes from John McKenzie are so true and have many lessons for all Australians.

I never thought I would live to read such a great report – congratulations to the whole team.

I am also most adamant that we all have more to learn from the aboriginal people than they have to learn from us.

I have felt this ever since I learned how to think, as a child.

I am very sure that most aboriginal people (and I know a lot) do support John’s statements.

Your story, with John McKenzie’s help, has given every person permission to think with common sense and compassion.

You made me cry tears of joy.

Please keep this type of journalism up.

Black deaths in custody are terrible, as are the white people shot by police in Australia.

Let us never get to the terrible things being done in America.

Australia can do better, supported by good journalism and people like John McKenzie’s knowledge and understanding.

Letter, Jun 12
Margaraet Pontifex, Mangrove Mountain