Central Coast Fire Information

The first official ‘Catastrophic’ bush fire warning has been issued by authorities for the Central Coast. The Rural Fire Service, Education Department, Council & the Bureau of Meteorology, National Parks & ABC sources have been used to assemble official information.

Bush-fire Warning Central Coast - November 12, 2019.
Published at 2019, November 11
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This resource page is designed to assist in co-orindating information from the various official trusted sources for residents and visitors.

We have provided live links to use to keep you up to date.

Rural Fire Service RFS

The NSW Rural Fire Service is the coordinating body responsible for the fighting and prevention of bush fires in NSW.

WARNING: As of Monday November 11, 2019 at 15.00 (3pm) the RFS

The Central Coast falls within the Great Sydney & Greater Hunter areas.

The RFS Fires Near Me web page : Click Here

RFS Fires Near Me mobile phone apps –Apple iPhone and Google Android

Bureau of Meteorology

The Bureau of Meteorology is the official federal agency responsible for the collection and weather forecast information. It also issues various weather warnings such as storms, temperatures, winds and rain. Note: All other weather applications use the BOM data sets.

A link to the official Gosford forecast area can be found: Click Here.

Central Coast Council

Central Coast Council is responsible for many parks, reserves, beaches, roads and public spaces in the region. Council has the authority to close areas such as beaches.

Warning issued Monday 11 November, 2019

Picnic areas and Walking Tracks, all Council Bushland Reserves, Picnic areas and Walking Tracks are closed until further notice (this is in addition to all NSW National Parks and Reserves, including Tracks, Trails, Campgrounds and Picnic Areas)are closed until further notice (this is in addition to all NSW National Parks and Reserves, including Tracks, Trails, Campgrounds and Picnic Areas).

Child Care Centres Northlakes (San Remo) Little Coast Kids Centre will be closed on Tuesday 12 November Kariong Child Care Centre will be closed on Tuesday 12 November

Events Lakes Festival Budgewoi events are cancelled for Tuesday 12 November

Waste delivery services Bin and bulk kerbside collections will be starting earlier (from 4am)

Water and Sewer services Some planned works for tomorrow have been cancelled. Click here for more information.

Live link to the Central Coast Council fire update page. click here for access

Education Department

Non-operational school updates issued and accurate at 3:35pm Monday 11 November. Click here to see list – (search for you school using Ctrl F3)

ABC radio

The Australian Broadcasting Corporation, ABC Local radio station 92.5 FM is the official emergency broadcaster. (Have a battery operated radio at hand).

You can listen to online at the ABC Central Coast web page

National parks

All National parks on the Central Coast remain closed as of 9am 12.11.2019 until further notice.

A direct link to the National Parks alerts page is here.