Eco-scientists have mathematics issues

Where have the eco-scientists of the world, and those who are swayed by their climate-warming nonsense, learned their arithmetic?

And how can 400 parts per million of any invisible gas cause the sun to fry us to a crisp?

An analysis of 400 parts per 1,000,000 is equivalent to 0.04 parts per 100 and, in single digits, it is only four parts in 10,000 precisely.

To grasp the minuteness of this amount, consider a bucket containing 10,000 marbles.

Today’s atmospheric analysis would contain 9,800 browns for Nitrogen, 2,100 greens for Oxygen, 93 blues for Argon, four reds for Carbon Dioxide, three blacks for other traces.

But there is more, because this standard analysis excludes humidity (gaseous water) which varies greatly from time to time and place to place.

Humidity varies from adding another 20 marbles above hot deserts at midday, to adding another 300 marbles before a monsoon downpour.

Humidity is obviously the biggest controller of climate because, when high, it fills the atmosphere with visible clouds, which perform a dual function.

They reduce the heat coming through them from the sun, and then prevent heat from the earth escape into space at night.

And there is another surprise for the uninitiated.

Chambers Encyclopedia of Knowledge (1908) when atmospheric analyses became reliable and accurate, to recently, have consistently reported CO2 to the nearest digit for those who understand what this means, at 300-400ppm.

It means there has been no significant increase in the past century, in spite of exponential industrial discharges.

The reason has to do with the conversion of ‘excess’ CO2 into timber and carbohydrate foods and plants.

Among the acknowledged best encyclopedia of the 20th century are CRC Handbooks of Physics and Chemistry; McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of Science; and Van Nostrand Scientific Encyclopedia.

Finally, at any time, an individual sample for analysis of CO2 and humidity will be different in megacities, cities, towns, villages, forests, prairies, tropics and poles.

Calculating an average for the globe (for all that would be worth) will need judicious manipulation of hundreds, if not thousands, of analyses, noting that water covers 70% of the surface.

Has this ever been done?

Letter, 20 May 2015
Guy Caruana, East