in print

Marine Rescue needs volunteers

Nearly 200 boat-related incidents have been attended to by Central Coast Marine Rescue in the past six months. Unit Commander Ian Morrow said the incidents had included sinking vessels, engine…

Top award for cancer survivor

John Daven of Central Coast Prostate Cancer Support Group is one of three men to receive a prestigious national award for community service. The Max Gardner Award for Distinguished Service…

Two major Landcare awards for CEN

The Community Environment Network’s (CEN) Land for Wildlife (LFW) program and its Wildplant Nursery have both won major Greater Sydney Region Bushcare and Landcare Awards. The 2023 Greater Sydney Regional…

Ploddy pays homage to the Mariners

The first thing motorists see when approaching the Gosford turn-off on the M1 is the Australian Reptile Park’s Ploddy the dinosaur, looking out over the hillside to welcome visitors from…

Major boost for community groups

Twenty-nine community groups in the Dobell electorate will share in $66,225 in funding through the Australian Government’s Volunteer Grants. Administered through the Department of Social Services, Volunteer Grants are part…

Waves dance parties a huge success

Organisers of the Waves Inclusive Dance Parties celebrated the first anniversary of the event by holding another Inclusive Dance Party at the Central Coast Leagues Club on June 2. The…