
Let’s all agree It’s Time

Made famous in 1972 by former Prime Minister Gough Whitlam, It’s Time is the mantra we need to bring forward into 2024. One of the best-known slogans in Australia’s history,…

Hidden side of greyhound racing

I am writing in response to the recent comments made in Forum by Mr Simmons and Mr DeGuara, both greyhound trainers. If all greyhounds were truly cared for around the…

Think twice when voting

Voters need to think twice about electing the former councillors who were part of the mess that led to their dismissal and replacement with an administrator. Why risk a repetition…

Let’s keep 15 councillors

I was interested to read about the sizes of voter populations in different NSW council areas. Particularly of note was the difference between, for example, Brewarrina and the amalgated Central…

Unfair ballot system

Your recent correspondent raises some concerns about the motives of some of the candidates who have nominated for election to Central Coast Council claiming to be independent as opposed to…

Leave greyhound owners in peace

I wish to comment on the front page story in CCN452 – Rally to ban greyhound racing. I find it quite surprising that a dozen so-called passionate protestors can get…

Be careful how you vote

My goodness, there are enough of the power-hungry old guard standing again for Council for it to be of concern. Not only did they lead the Council blindly into huge…

Why take so long?

In issue 452 Coast News features the departure from Central Coast Council of Dr Alice Howe, Director of Environment and Planning. At the conclusion of the article, it says that…

Bouquets to Gosford Hospital

Late in July my husband suffered a severe bladder bleed and went into Gosford Hospital emergency department at about 9pm on a Friday. He spent the next five days under…

Vote yes in referendum

As a former mayor of Gosford, I will be voting for the reduced number of councillors, namely nine, at the referendum on September 14 at the local government election. Those…

Council needs to be proactive

Central Coast Council fails to enforce (fine) and/or act on complaints. From illegal parking to rubbish on the kerb side, dogs off leads, illegal building works etc, the Council takes…