letters to the editor

Bring back express checkout

Most older shoppers/pensioners do their shopping several days of the week just buying a few items as they need them. Checkout was possible through the Express Lane of 15 items…

Council needs to be accountable

Central Coast Council Administrator Rik Hart, CEO David Farmer and senior staff do not provide the community with public services that are either of acceptable standards or that meet the…

Be wary of Pharmacy Guild

I read your correspondent’s letter (Change in prescriptions not that great, CCN 388) with interest. Like any other union, the Pharmacy Guild will always place its own members’ interests ahead…

Climate is extremely complex

With his 20 years of experience studying climate science Geoff Cameron’s contribution in CCN 388 should not be dismissed out of hand. I hope, though, that he is wrong for…

The Voice will enhance our democracy

I refer to John King’s comments (CCN 387) regarding The Voice (to Parliament) and share his concerns that “every Federal Government has failed Aboriginal people miserably”. However, without berating or…

Much input needed on the Voice

When first I read about draft legislation for a Voice to Parliament, I thought -that’s a bit late! We need it at policy formulation and review. So I was much…

Where were our state MPs?

An informative night was held at Council Chambers on April 27 to discuss what can be done with regard to the housing crisis. It was attended by about 50 people…

Higher rates and fewer targets reached

Despite massive rate hikes, Central Coast Council has proposed further reductions in performance targets across a range of key services, including kilometres of road resurfacing and drainage, response times for…