Green Point industrial units
Changes to replace a dwelling with two commercial units in an already approved industrial complex at Green Point have been given the go-ahead by Central Coast Council. In July 2017…
Changes to replace a dwelling with two commercial units in an already approved industrial complex at Green Point have been given the go-ahead by Central Coast Council. In July 2017…
A developer of industrial land at Halloran is “extremely disappointed” about the delay in developing the Wyong Employment Zone and says residents and industrialists should be wondering what went wrong….
A renewed proposal for 22 warehouse units in Tuggerah has been redesigned to consider flood impacts and to provide more efficient use of the site. Localised flooding occurs along the…
A total of 83 light industrial units are proposed for a 2.742ha site at 13 Jusfrute Dr, West Gosford. The land, owned by Printban Pty Limited, is vacant and zoned…
Coast Environmental Alliance (CEA) says an industrial development proposal at Wallarah is an “environmental disaster waiting to happen”. The proposal by Darkinjung Local Aboriginal Land Council is to rezone 42ha…