Community Environment Network

CEN calls for LEP amendments

The Local Environmental Plan used by Central Coast Council to zone and manage land is “flawed, not fit-for-purpose and incapable of protecting the region’s biodiversity, cultural heritage or unique visual…

CEN puts government on notice

The Community Environment Network (CEN) has put the NSW Government on notice that it must adopt a ‘nature first’ approach to developing a Strategic Conservation Plan for any areas of…

Environmentalist Mike takes out BAT award

Long-term Jilliby resident and lifelong environmental campaigner Mike Campbell has won Community Environment Network’s 2024 BAT (Be A Team) Award for 2024. Community Environment Network (CEN) Deputy Chair John Asquith,…

CEN Networking Night

The Community Environment Network will hold its 2024 Networking Night on Thursday, December 5, and residents are urged to attend. CEO Samantha Willis said CEN held the annual event to…

More calls to end shark meshing

The Community Environment Network (CEN) is urging the NSW Government not to award any tenders for the 2023/2024 shark meshing program in NSW waters and to discontinue the “archaic and…

Build a pond and frogs will come

If you’ve ever wanted to set up a frog-friendly garden habitat, here’s your chance. Sam Willis, chief executive officer of the Community Environment Network, will present at the Australian Plants…

Two major Landcare awards for CEN

The Community Environment Network’s (CEN) Land for Wildlife (LFW) program and its Wildplant Nursery have both won major Greater Sydney Region Bushcare and Landcare Awards. The 2023 Greater Sydney Regional…