Praise for Forum

As one of the frequent but irregular letter-writers to your Forum, thank you for your generous words in your Editorial (CCN 417).

I highly value the opportunity to contribute my concerns regarding issues impacting the Central Coast, in a format that allows me to edit and re-edit to reach what I always hope is the best I can do.

This was underscored last week by a new experience.

Representatives of a television station happened to approach me as ‘a woman in the street’ to comment on a local matter.

Not only did I have to ‘think off the top of my head’, the longer interview was reduced to a couple of four second ‘bites’ when televised, barely touching on my thoughts as expressed.

I and your other ‘irregulars’ hope our informal partnerships with CCN will continue, helping you and us to contribute to a functionally involved Central Coast community.

Email, Nov 27
Sonnie Hopkins, Tascott