Raising prostate cancer awareness

Saratoga resident David Golding and Member for Robertson Dr Gordon Reid at the Central Coast Big Aussie BBQ

Around 150 men, their partners and friends attended the Central Coast Big Aussie BBQ held recently at Davistown RSL to raise awareness about prostate cancer.

The event was organised by the Prostate Cancer Foundation of Australia (PCFA), Bayer Australia and Federal Member for Robertson Gordon Reid, who hailed it as a great success.

PCFA Life Force Volunteer Presenter, David Golding of Saratoga, shared his experiences with the crowd.

“In 2008, at the age of 53, I received a diagnosis of prostate cancer,” he said.

“This led me to undergo a radical prostatectomy which saved my life, however, during my journey I noticed a distinct lack of information and awareness regarding prostate cancer in the community.

“In response, I made the decision to become a volunteer ambassador and advocate for the disease with PCFA.

“Recently, I have also joined PCFA’s new Life Force Community Speaker program.

“In my spare time, I dedicate myself to visiting workplaces and community groups across the Central Coast to share more about prostate cancer and my personal story.

“My goal is to inspire men to act and prioritise their health.

“As someone who has survived prostate cancer, it is my mission to ensure that all men have the opportunity for early diagnosis and access to the necessary information and support to navigate their own diagnosis and beyond.”

Reid said the Central Coast had some of the highest rates of prostate cancer in the country.

“The purpose of this event was to bring together men and their partners to educate them on the importance of getting checked for the disease,” he said.

“The conditions on the day could not have been any better and the Davistown RSL put on a magnificent spread.

“There was an opportunity to ask health professionals questions about prostate cancer and have any concerns about the disease quelled.

“Due to the success of this barbecue, I plan on organising, in partnership with the Prostate Cancer Foundation of Australia, another prostate cancer awareness event on the Peninsula in the new year.

“Men often do not talk about their health issues, so I think it is important to provide a safe space for men of all ages to access information on health matters and have any questions answered.

“Barbecues like this are great platforms for men to get to socialise with other men who might be going through similar circumstances – helping ease mental health and discussing shared experiences.”

If you would like to have a confidential conversation regarding prostate cancer, call the PCFA on 1800 220 099.

If you would like to know more about the next Central Coast Big Aussie BBQ, call Reid’s office on 4322 2400 or email Gordon.Reid.MP@aph.gov.au

For more information about the Prostate Cancer Foundation of Australia, visit: https://www.pcfa.org.au/

Member for Robertson Gordon Reid