Free film on saving koala habitat

Material left in Ourimbah State Forest to become bushfire fuel following logging

Lifelong rainforest activist, author, Deep Ecology guide and now Central Coast resident, John Seed, will present the film On the Brink at 7pm on Saturday, September 23, in the Village Hall at Narara Eco Village.

Narrated by Olivia Newton John, Jack Thompson, David Attenborough, David Suzuki and David Bellamy, the film will be of interest to those wanting to know more about saving koala habitat.

Seed, who founded the Rainforest Information Centre at Dorrigo, says the core messages of the film are impossible to ignore.

“We need to reconnect with nature to protect our precious native forests and all the creatures who call them home,” he said.

He has been involved in direct actions that have protected Australian rainforests since 1979 including helping form the US Rainforest Action Network in 1984 which grew out of the first of his many US roadshows.

In 1987 he co-produced Earth First, a documentary for Australian TV about the struggle for the rainforests, which has been shown in many countries.

Seed has created numerous projects to protect rainforests in South America, Asia and the Pacific through providing benign and sustainable development projects for their indigenous inhabitants tied to the protection of their forests.

Such projects have been funded by the Australian Government aid agency AusAID, The Australian Council of Churches  and various foundations.

He has written and lectured extensively on deep ecology and has been conducting Councils of All Beings and other re-earthing workshops around the world for 25 years.

With Joanna Macy, Pat Fleming and Professor Arne Naess, he wrote Thinking Like a Mountain – Towards a Council of All Beings, which has now been translated into 12 languages.

Seed said his interest in campaigning to protect koala habitat had been reignited by the local Camp Ourimbah campaign which has been working to stop the logging of the Ourimbah State Forest for two years.

The film screening on Saturday night is supported by the Rainforest Information Centre, Narara Eco Village, the Community Environment Network, Camp Ourimbah and the Australian Conservation Foundation Central Coast.

Tickets are free but limited.

They are available via

Narara Ecovillage