Heidi takes out Hardys Archie

Heidi Mantanari and her subject Keith Peaker with the winning artwork

The Art Gallery of NSW might administer the annual Archibald Prize, but Hardys Bay is determined not to be left out.

The Hardys Archie art exhibition was recently held at Hardys Bay Community Club, with six weeks of voting culminating in the presentation of prizes for first, second and third places.

The idea originated from the weekly Wednesday art group The Garage Girls, who paint together in a garage at Pretty Beach.

It started as a fun idea and progressed into a successful art exhibition.

All paintings are of local identities and painted by local artists who remain anonymous during voting.

Taking out top prize this year was Heidi Montanari for her portrait of Keith Peaker.

Second prize went to Peter Langmaid and Georgina Macken took third place honours.

Hardys Archie will return next year with more entries and more enthusiastic artists taking part.