Act FAST in the event of stroke

Dr Bill O'Brien

With someone having a stroke every 19 minutes in Australia, Central Coast Local Health District (CCLHD) is encouraging people to learn the FAST signs of stroke and the best ways to prevent it.

CCLHD Neurologist/Stroke Staff Specialist Dr Bill O’Brien said National Stroke Week (August 7-11) was an opportunity to remind people not only of the signs to look out for but also the importance of seeking help immediately if you notice the signs in yourself or someone else.

“The key is the think FAST,” he said.

“Has their face drooped (F), can they raise their arms (A), is their speech slurred or confused (S)?

“If you notice any of these signs, time is critical (T); call triple zero straight away.

“The sooner someone who is having a stroke receives medical attention, the better the outcome is likely to be.

“When a stroke strikes, it attacks up to 1.9 million brain cells per minute, which is why every minute counts.

“Delaying or failing to seek urgent help for stroke can lead to ongoing disability or death.”

The good news is that more than 80 per cent of stroke can be prevented.

“You can change many of the common risk factors and lower your chance of stroke with some simple steps,” O’Brien said.

“Staying active, eating well, quitting smoking and limiting your alcohol intake are some of the steps you can take to stay well and decrease you chance of stroke.

“I also recommend people make an appointment to see their doctor about the risk factors of stroke including high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, high cholesterol or atrial fibrillation or irregular pulse.

“It is important to have these conditions well managed to lower your risk.”

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Central Coast Local Health District