Everything you need to make the perfect coffee delivered to your door

Witham's Coffee is looking to expand its Central Coast deliveries

Lance Witham grew up climbing over coffee sacks and tea chests and now, as the owner of Witham’s Coffee at Hornsby, is looking to expand his sales market on the Central Coast.

The specialty coffee roasting company is passionate about delivering the finest quality, freshly roasted coffee direct to cafes and private householders.

“I was born on my parents’ coffee farm in Zimbabwe and was immersed in the coffee business from a very young age,” Witham said.

“When my family lost its farm in a hailstorm, we moved to town and my father ran a co-op for other coffee farmers before relocating first to Malawi, where Dad was involved in the coffee and tea trade, and then to the company’s South African head office.”

When the family emigrated to Australia in 1983, Witham decided he wanted to follow his father into the industry.

“I did a season in far north Queensland learning that side of the industry and then I worked for Dad, selling bags of coffee out of a truck,” he said.

“I decided that was the side of the industry I wanted to be involved in and worked with a small roasting company in Sydney for 18 months learning the retail side of the business.

“When I was 25, my wife and I started a small coffee shop at Waverton.”

Lance Witham has had a passion for coffee all his life

At that time there were very few coffee brands in Sydney of a boutique quality and the business exploded.

Press officer Simon Robotham said Witham’s Coffee at Hornsby was gearing up for a busy year with an increasing demand for coffee delivered direct to the customer’s home or café.

“At Witham’s Coffee we roast to order and can therefore supply you with freshest premium roasted coffee,” he said.

“At our Roastery we have an Espresso Bar Café as well as a showroom full of coffee supplies and equipment.

“We have an extensive range of coffees to try, whether they be Single Origin or Master Roaster blends.

“We can offer fresh whole beans or professionally ground to suit your own method of making coffee at home.

“You might be interested in one of our commercial quality coffee machines for domestic use or a stove-top, plunger, or coffee filter system that best suits your requirements.

“We can show you how to use espresso machines at home to give you the best possible result.

“In addition, we provide machine servicing to ensure your machine performs at its best and real coffee enthusiasts might like to enrol in one of our barista courses.”

Witham said the company could supply everything needed to produce delicious coffee in private homes or cafes.

“We are looking to expand our online ordering service into the Central Coast,” he said.

“We already have a couple of clients there; it’s actually quicker for us to get deliveries to the Central Coast than to North Sydney.”

Stocking single origin coffees from 18 different regions as well as organic coffees and 15-20 blends, Witham’s can advise café owners or householders on the best type of machine for their use.

“Anything you want to buy for your own kitchen or cafe we have it all; we sell everything you need around coffee,” Witham said.

For full details visit withams.com.au, call 9482 1122 or email coffee@withams.com.au.

Terry Collins