Central Coast Council is taking action to acquire land to allow it to upgrade a bridge upstream from Wyong.
The Council has received grant funding to upgrade Maloneys Bridge, Cedar Brush Creek, from a one-way timber bridge to a two-way concrete bridge.
The bridge is programmed for construction in the 2021-2022 financial year.
The total budget available in 2021-2022 is $900,000 which includes acquisition and construction costs.
The full project is grant funded from the Fixing Country Bridges Program.
“To facilitate the road infrastructure requirements for the project, it will be necessary to acquire part of 20 Brush Creek Rd, Cedar Brush Creek and part of 56 Brush Creek Rd, Cedar Brush Creek for the purpose of a road reserve corridor over the existing formed road,” Council said in a report to the December 14 meeting of Council.
The first property, 20 Brush Creek Rd, Cedar Brush Creek has an area of 177,900 square metres and is zoned RU1 – Primary Production.
The area to be acquired is about 5,278 square metres which is over the formed road and part of the property near the Maloneys Bridge.
The second property, 56 Brush Creek Rd, Cedar Brush Creek has an area of 75,580 square metres and is zoned RU1 – Primary Production.
The area to be acquired is about 213 square metres near the Maloneys Bridge upgrade and road alignment.
Council said it has had conversations with the landowners and they would like to see the actual pegging of the proposed property boundaries on the ground before Council proceeds further.
A registered surveyor has been engaged to prepare a plan of acquisition and undertake the pegging on ground.
Council is in the process of engaging a valuer to assess compensation but details are confidential.
Following acquisitions when the land is transferred to Council, the land will be dedicated as a public road.
There is an opportunity to exchange part of the closed road reserve to be reclassified as RU1 Primary Production zoning as part compensation.
Council staff will endeavour to acquire the land by agreement with the landowners.
If Council is unable to reach agreement within a reasonable time, it will be necessary to apply to the Office of Local Government for compulsory acquisition.
Merilyn Vale