Forum –
What a bunch of miserable sods our Central Coast Council are … I refer to the full-page article on Page 13 (PP035) ‘Watercolour Picnic’.
A wonderful story about some ladies painting by the shores of Brisbane Water, but when you get to the last paragraph, in comes the mean-spirited Council to poo poo the outing and future ones in wanting a permit and insurance.
Insurance – really!
Very dangerous and hazardous activity being a watercolourist!
Accidents are more likely to happen when you put cyclists and mobility vehicles (some who do not use their bell) on shared walkways with pedestrians.
No permits or insurance there!
What possible harm was done by these ladies?
The Council should be endorsing such great activity that enhances the spirit of the community and the charm of our waterfront.
That’s the sort of thing that the community and visitors want.
I would have thought that Council has more important things to worry about, like how to balance the books.
Maybe Council should enrol some staff into an Accounting Course and concentrate on the simple basic principal called ‘How to Budget’.
So you can see what happens to small groups like the artist ladies, Council roll out the legal jargon such as, “If we don’t have regulations and rules in place, anyone can set up anything – anywhere”.
Fair enough to a point!
So why is it that this cash strapped Council bend over backwards and possibly change classifications and other codes to suit the big developers with their massive high rise projects.
It’s all about the money folks!
Council and developers don’t care about what the community want and before too long they will have the Peninsula looking more like the Gold Coast.
The beauty and charm and wellbeing this unique area has given our community and visitors will be lost if we allow it.
Development projects should be in keeping with the style and charm of this beautiful area.
So go and take photos of your townships and surroundings before they are gone forever or support the ‘little bloke’ and the true community spirit, just like these ladies painting on the foreshore.
Look forward to Council’s comments.
Email, Nov 12
Barry Macdonald, Umina