The Public Safety Network (PSN) on the Central Coast has been expanded with the completion of a new site in Algewn Rd, Gosford.
The site is part of a state-wide publicly owned network of telecommunications towers that services the emergency services and other State Government agencies.
Parliamentary Secretary for the Central Coast and Member for Terrigal, Adam Crouch, said the new radio site, delivered by NSW Telco Authority, is vital to ongoing community safety in the region.
“These sites provide emergency service organisations with a single, integrated network on which to communicate,”
Crouch said.
“Alongside the triple zero emergency hotline, the Public Safety Network is the most critical communications network in our state.
“It’s technology that saves lives.
“By expanding the footprint of this critical infrastructure, we are ensuring that frontline responders including the Rural Fire Service, Police, Fire and Rescue, Ambulance and the State Emergency Services have a more reliable network to help keep people and places safe.
“The Black Summer of bushfires in 2019-20 saw flames reach as far east as Mangrove Mountain, which is why protecting the community of Gosford as well as the surrounding area is so vital.
“This is the Central Coast’s fourth Public Safety Network site to be switched ‘on’ this year and will ensure frontline responders have a more reliable network to keep people and property safe during emergencies.”
Minister for Digital and Customer Service, Victor Dominello, said the NSW Government is investing $1.4B to expand the PSN to better protect communities.
“The network’s expansion represents the biggest investment in critical communications infrastructure by the NSW Government in a generation,” Dominello said.
Verified primary source: Media release, Oct 13, 2021. Parliamentary Secretary for the Central Coast, Adam Crouch