Forum –
On the Woy Woy Peninsula over a number of years, there has been an increasing trend to replace single dwelling houses with multi-unit developments (including a number of Council approved (developments) larger than LEP parameters.)
This has resulted in backyards being replaced by hard, impervious, heat absorbing surfaces and logs of a large number of trees.
This has meant that summer temperatures on the Peninsula have already been increasing and obviously the situation will deteriorate further over time.
There can be no doubt then that every single tree on public land should be preserved.
It is reported that Council intends to sell a parcel of land between the back of Peninsula Plaza and Woy Woy oval.
This has on it a precious, long-term, mature stand of paperbark trees.
It is reported further that land is to be resold to the owner of the shops.
There can be only one conclusion – that the trees will be bulldozed to allow extension of the parking lot.
There are many very good reasons why these trees should be preserved, especially that they are a counter to summer heat from the parking lot.
I wish to strongly protest and express my opposition to this proposal.
Email, May 17
Russ Maynard, Woy Woy