Cousins do their bit for endangered birds

Cousins Evie, Lilly, Jakari and Kyton raised money to help injured birds

The “Pelican Lady” has received a special donation of over $80 from four children who were encouraged to help fundraise to help the endangered birds.

Wendy Gillespie met the cousins while out surveying for sick and injured birds over the Christmas period.

She said she was later surprised with a donation they had fundraised from the local community.

“Their thoughtfulness paid for a week’s supply of fish bought to survey injured birds throughout the Peninsula,” Gillespie said.

“It was so sweet.”

Gillespie said she is tracking pelicans for rescue, but not all can be followed.

Three pelicans have been rescued including a five-month-old male, sick from algal toxin ingestion, and two critical fishing tackle cases.

A young seagull was also discovered to have had its legs entangled with a braided fishing line.

Gillespie said at the Woy Woy Lions Park alone, she has recently found three ducks and doves with fishing hook and line injuries, including entangled feet.

“Fishing over this holiday period always takes a heavy toll on our birds and other wildlife,” Gillespie said.

“Please report all entangled birds or those left with tackle in their face or with knife injuries early.

“The holiday clean-up often takes weeks as many birds in trouble aren’t seen until the holiday mayhem ceases.

“Please call me if you can help with free fish frames that are urgently needed for surveying and rescuing injured birds.”

Gillespie is asking locals to contact her on 0458 975 498 and send a photo of any sick or injured birds that are spotted.

Media statement, Jan 13
Wendy Gillespie