[Forum] Terry Collins’ articles (page 4, CCN 252) make interesting reading. While I sympathise with the owners of the dwellings on the eroded/eroding sand dunes at Wamberal the articles raise several questions.
One; For what reasons did council oppose the initial Development Applications?
Two; On what grounds did the Land and Environment Court overturn the initial opposition?
Three; Why should I, as a rate paying citizen, have to contribute to the rectification of problems incurred by faulty decisions of the Land and Environment Court?
Four; To what depth will foundations have to be excavated to build a successful sea wall?
Five; I know this will cause some consternation, but what will be the effect on the above dwellings of a rising sea level due to global warming (claims of 80 cm by the end of this century)?
Email, Jul 27
Col Hodgson, Mt Elliot