These chickens know how to have a good time

OLR Wyoming Kindy students in their Chicken Diva outfits

Kindergarten students from Wyoming’s Our Lady of the Rosary Catholic Primary School, embraced their inner divas and divos for National Simultaneous Storytime.

An initiative of the Australian Library and Information Association to foster a love of reading, National Simultaneous Storytime (NSS) involves the simultaneous reading of an Australian picture book in libraries, schools, pre-schools, childcare centres and family homes around the country.

2020 is the 20th anniversary of the NSS, with 2019 its most successful year ever with over 1,1380,000 participants taking part in Australia and across the globe.

This year’s NSS picture book is Whitney and Britney Chicken Divas, written by Lucinda Gifford and published by Scholastic Australia.

A tale about two gorgeous chooks who sleep all day and dance and sing all night, students at OLR Wyoming (and their teachers) decided to emulate Whitney and Britney’s glamorous style by creating some special, feathered crowns that complemented the sequin vests the school provided Kindy classes to wear during the reading.

Website, May 27
Bernard Cumming, Our Lady of the Rosary Catholic Primary School Wyoming
Reporter: Dilon Luke