All residents with cold and flu symptoms should be tested for COVID-19

cover-19 testingCoronavirus testing. Image: State Public Health Lab . Natalie Kolb

The Central Coast might officially be COVID-19 free but residents are being warned not to take this hard-earned result for granted.

With restrictions easing across the Coast on everything from work and travel to dining and recreation, there is a possibility that the coronavirus could make a resurgence in the LGA as people relax and the pandemic collides with the winter flu season.

To avoid a spike in new cases, Parliamentary Secretary for the Central Coast, Adam Crouch, is calling on all residents with cold and flu symptoms to be tested for COVID-19.

“With restrictions gradually being eased, we need everyone with even the mildest symptoms to come forward for testing,” Crouch said.

“There have been 16,000 tests on the Central Coast so far, but we need a higher rate of testing to keep community transmission of the disease under control.

“Tests are completely free and available seven days per week at Gosford and Wyong Hospitals,” he said.

Crouch said that his call to arms also applied to those who have already been tested and he encouraged everyone in this group not to be complacent with their prevention measures.

“Even if you take a COVID-19 test but then redevelop symptoms, you will need to be tested again,” Crouch said.

“I would urge everyone to be vigilant by practicing social distancing and being responsible in public spaces,” he added.

Common COVID-19 symptoms include fever, cough, sore or scratchy throat and shortness of breath.

To book a COVID-19 test, call 4320 5055 for Gosford between 9am and 5pm Monday to Friday or 10am and 4pm on weekends, or 4394 9200 for Wyong between 9am and 5pm every day.

Press release, May 21
Ben Sheath, Office of Adam Crouch MP