Central Coast Labor MP Emma McBride is pleading with the government to address the the needs of people with a disability and carers as soon as possible.
“The Morrison Government must act swiftly to meet the needs of those living with a disability and their carers through the COVID-19 pandemic.” said McBride
Shadow Minister for the NDIS, Bill Shorten, said members of the disability sector are reporting shortages of products important for the health and wellbeing of people with disability.
“Panic buying of devices needed for peg feeding and other essential disability equipment such as continence pads, catheters, gloves and medicines has overwhelmed suppliers,” Mr Shorten said.
“I am requesting the Morrison Government takes steps so demand is met for provisions that are vital to people living with disability during this crisis,” he said.
Shadow Assistant Minister for Carers, Emma McBride, said: “Carers are on the front-line of the COVID-19 response – and need proper support.
“The government needs to protect the financial security of carers if they become unwell or are unable to work,” Ms McBride said. “Creating a register for informal carers could address shortfalls in care if individual carers become unwell.”
Mr Shorten said: “I will be meeting with Ministers Ruston and Robert next week to discuss these and other proposal. Given the vulnerability of NDIS participants and their carers the government needs to act now,”.
“Labor hopes the government will take seriously our recommendations and move to implement as many as possible, as soon as possible.”
Source: Media release, McBride MP for Dobell and Shadow Assistant Minister for Carers March 20, 2020