A Peninsula community group which plants street trees has been praised by Central Coast Council, in a move by deputy mayor Cr Chris Holstein to reintroduce a council-funded “free tree” program.
The council acknowledged the work of the Grow Urban Shade Trees group in encouraging residents to bring shade and beauty to their neighbourhoods. “We commend the members for taking the lead in educating the community about the benefits of shade trees and reducing the stigma associated with having trees in front yards and on nature strips,” Cr Holstein’s motion read. Council asked its acting chief Mr Brian Glendenning to report on the reasons the Gosford Council free tree program was ended. He was asked to report on how many trees were provided to residents in the five years before the program ended and what advertising was done of the program to residents. He was asked to prepare a list of preferred tree species suitable for planting in public areas and to describe the effect on the budget of reinstating the program.
SOURCE: Central Coast Council Agenda Item 7.1, 26 Mar 2018