The Bonsai Society of the Central Coast is celebrating 20 years as a community group dedicated to improving the knowledge and appreciation of the art of Bonsai.
Its Annual Show will be held at the Erina Room at Erina Fair (near the library) on March 11 and 12.
The show includes over 60 trees, as well as information about growing bonsai and a sales area where trees, handmade pots and tools will be for available for purchase.
Demonstrations on how to grow and style bonsai trees will be held on both days.
Children are welcome and encouraged to have a go at making their own bonsai under the guidance of friendly and talented members.
Ailing bonsai can be taken to the show for a free check-up.
Media release,
Feb 8, 2017
Denise Allen, Bonsai Society of the Central Coast