Voluntary tutors are highly qualified

SeoKyoung Inn and Abby Hutchins with tutor Bill Wallace

Henry Kendall High School has a Maths Club for students in years 9 through to 11, run in partnership with the Smith Family.

“Offering individual or small group tutoring to students in years 9 to11, the program runs each Wednesday in the library,” said Henry Kendall High School teacher and maths club coordinator, Ms Jenny Lill.

“Maths Club now has over 20 students, supported by 10 community volunteer tutors and fi ve Henry Kendall High School Maths teachers,” Ms Lill said. “We would like to thank Ms Regina Gilbert and the Smith Family for their huge and generous support of our students through Maths Club.

“We would also like to welcome Ms Lalit Sharma as a co-coordinator for HKHS,” she said. “Our volunteer tutors include engineers and IT specialists as well as retired Maths teachers and a retired computer scientist / physicist.

“We would like to thank the tutors for the time they so generously donate to Maths Club. “Skilled mathematicians and patient teachers, they are excellent role models for our students,” she said.

20 August 2015
Jenny Lill, Henry Kendall
High School