Barbecue lunch to thank volunteers

Staff cooked up a delicious lunch

They’re usually the ones delivering the meals, but on May 22 the volunteers of Meals on Wheels (MoW) Central Coast were on the receiving end.

MoW hosted a special barbecue at its Tuggerah head office to celebrate its volunteers as part of National Volunteer Week 2024.

The event, which saw more than 60 dedicated volunteers in attendance, was a resounding success filled with delicious food, laughter and heartfelt conversations.

Volunteer and Program Co-ordinator Amy Baulman organised the lunch, which brought together the entire Meals on Wheels Central Coast family.

Staff did the cooking so the volunteers could sit back and enjoy the meal.

“We’re incredibly grateful for our dedicated Meals on Wheels Central Coast volunteers who help with meal delivery, Community Restaurant, social support and provide friendly visits to our community,” Baulman said.

The Meals on Wheels Central Coast family

“Your commitment and compassion are the heart and soul of Meals on Wheels Central Coast, and today we celebrate you!”

The event also featured lucky door prizes and generous donations from local businesses.

JT Providores donated a fruit and vegetable box, The Swordfish Co Budgewoi provided a prawn platter and Woy Woy Poultry Supplies contributed a massive meat tray and sausages for the barbecue.

“To our Meals on Wheels Central Coast Volunteers: thank you for all that you do,” Baulman said.

“Your generosity and kindness make a world of difference to our senior community.”

Meals on Wheels Central Coast is committed to keeping the spirit of National Volunteer Week alive throughout the year by continuing to provide connection, support and nutritious meals to the senior community across the Central Coast.