Thanks to caring medical staff

letters 3Letters to the editor

Following a GP appointment for after-effects of COVID, my wife was transported by the NSW Ambulance Service to Gosford Public Hospital.

Two young, friendly, caring professional paramedics attended to her for about two hours at Gosford Hospital.

A series of tests were conducted whilst waiting for a bed in Emergency.

I suppose that this is a case of “ramping” but who can expect a bed being available when every patient arrives at hospital?

I was waiting in Emergency for about an hour during which time, after checking in at Reception, I was offered water, tea or coffee the same as about another 10 people, by a never-still support staff member who also checked on our welfare.

When a bed was available my wife was attended by wonderful nurses and doctors and soon after was given the “all clear”.

We left with a clear understanding of the tests conducted and the results and follow-up pathways.

It was very obvious to me that our frontline health professionals are incredibly busy but very caring in addressing patient needs and those of family members in stressful times.

Well done, “ambos” and the staff at Gosford Public Hospital for all that you do so very well in these times when criticism sometimes overshadows appreciation.

Email, May 20
Lee Gorman, Green Point

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