Spencer playground to be upgraded

The current waterfront playground only has a swing set and picnic table

The Spencer community will be soon enjoying an upgraded playspace thanks to a $50,000 grant from the Australian Government’s Investing in our Communities program and $45,000 from Central Coast Council.

Council’s Director of Community and Recreation Services Mel Smith said the current waterfront playground only had a swing set and picnic table.

“With the upgrade, the community will be able to enjoy play equipment including a swing set, climbing and slide unit, rocker, rubber softfall and picnic table,” she said.

“Installation of the equipment will commence at the end of June or early July with the works expected to be completed in late July, weather permitting.”

River Cares spokesperson Robyn Downham said it was fantastic that the new playground would offer multiple activities for a range of ages and abilities as well as attracting, connecting and helping children to play and socialise.

“The upgrade of the Spencer playground will help to promote community connectivity and will help to bring families, visitors and tourists to our beautiful shores,” she said.

“River Cares has been campaigning for an improved playground since the Spencer public toilets were completed on January 25, 2023, and so we thank both the Australian Government and Council for making this happen.”

Council Administrator Rik Hart said the upgrade was part of Council’s overall strategy to see enhanced playspaces across the Central Coast.

“As the Central Coast community grows, it is important that Council continues to provide young families and children with safe environments to engage in play-based learning,” he said.

“We thank the Australian Government for their support of this project.”

Member for Robertson Gordon Reid said playspaces were important community facilities.

“This upgrade will update equipment and bring the play space up to standard,” he said.

“I thank the community of Spencer and surrounding communities for their advocacy.”

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